Freight Procurement Optimization

Handle the volatility of the freight market by boosting your supplier base, improving traceability of your shipments, adapting your buying behavior and eliminating frustrating paperwork errors by carriers. Let us guide you through the challenges of modern freight procurement.

  • Logistics supplier base. A growing manufacturing business will accumulate an overwhelming amount of shipping lanes, each with its own specific requirements. When the complexity of demands meet the severe fragmentation of the freight market the challenges to procure reliable transportation service can easily multiply in all dimensions. Bettazza & Company will support you with our deep freight market knowledge and help you expand your carrier base hand-picking those with digital capabilities, align their service with your business need and raise your awareness of different freight market segments like LTL and FTL among others.
  • Visibility. Data about the movement of your shipments is generated on almost every stage but is it aligned with your production? Items, stacked together into shipping packages on pallets and moved by trailers, possibly transshipped mid-way and/or using multimodal transport. Each of these and each carrier will have their individual IDs or systems of tracing. Our advisors will be at your side to navigate the sea of data to transform it into knowledge that will help critical decisions, control freight costs and manage sourcing risks.
  • Freight sourcing platforms. Handling multiple shipping lanes is a burdensome task involving RFPs, RFQs, multiple rounds of evaluation until eventually a handful of carriers are selected. The sheer amount of work needed naturally stuck the process to annual or biannual tendering. The volatility of the freight market nowadays, however, might easily mean that those bids you got in September are totally obsolete in January or the carefully selected carriers simply disappear in April when market dynamics offer them better paid opportunities. To tackle such risks quarterly, high-season, monthly bids and even mini-bids might be needed, increasing the complexity of freight procurement. Hence automation of sourcing is needed more than ever before. Our project management team will support you in the implementation e-sourcing to help you become more flexible and active on the freight market and your supply more resilient to market volatility.
  • Freight auditing. Working with a large network of unrelated freight carriers, logistics companies and warehouses? Then a huge influx invoices, PODs and related paperwork is creating an issue on itself. On top of that, how many of them contain errors? Small errors that can lead to huge consequences when work with an otherwise preferable carrier is blocked and a much more expensive or less trustworthy alternative has to be used. Let our team handle those errors, communicate with the shippers on your behalf and smooth-out you sourcing operations.
  • Vertical integration. Sometimes when the needs of logistics services are larger in volume but more unified in terms of requirements it may be best to grow your business with a logistics or a carrier branch. Acquiring a successful carrier from your existing suppliers is one way to go but would it not be better if that carrier’s structure, fleet, workflows and IT systems are designed to match your existing business? Make use of the economies and synergies of targeted vertical integration with the full support of Bettazza & Company.